Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Abel Building Solutions Caribbean Construction Awards

The purpose of the Abel Building Solutions Caribbean Construction Awards is to both recognise the merit of our regional industry and encourage the pursuit of excellence. The CCA, celebrates the players in the construction industry whose work shows true excellence in design and construction.

The awards were judged by an international panel that represented a cross-section of the industry; engineer Raymond Charles - United Kingdom, architect Marcos Barinas-Uribe - Dominican Republic, architect Llewellyn van Wyk - South Africa, engineer Tony Gibbs - Barbados & engineer Donald Mullings - Trinidad

2011 Awardees

Amonle Studio Workshop - Antillean Gothic

Architecture - Innovation

Gillespie + Partners - UWI Daaga Lecture Theatre

Architecture - Large Building
Architecture - Overall Winner

Peter Jervis & Associates - Basic Medical Sciences Complex

Engineering - Large Building
Engineering - Innovation
Engineering - Overall Winner

Caribbean Office of Cooperative Architecture ( COCOA ) - Munding Residence

Architecture - Small Building

Capital Signal Co. Ltd - Rockley to Coconut Walk Waterfront

Contracting - Innovation
Contorting - Overall Winner