Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Matt Tomasulo (a grad student in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning) started CityFabric, a young start-up whose core focus is to engage people in conversations about their cities.

-Design: figureground maps showing the building footprints of the city
-Exhibits: he just had an opening reception for their NY exhibit called New York Scaled.
-Products: t-shirts, totes, pillows, prints, canvases
-Kickstarter: to launch "Wear You Live," their design + apparel line for 13 cities

The greater concept of CityFabric is reaching out to the general public to talk about place in a way they might not be familiar with. This is information learned from analyzing the figuregrounds: the history of why a place came to be, the notion of density and its implications, what could inform future growth, etc.