Monday, April 9, 2012

blog wunderlust : 9th April 2012

The Manifesto for a New Urbanism That Came Before 'New Urbanism' | Good architecture was their MISSION | Google saves energy by cooling its buildings with ice | Paul Goldberger Moves To Vanity Fair, Eulogies For Architecture Criticism Not Far Behind | City Of Fog | Bridge Made Of 3-D Pixels Can Take On Countless Configurations | Lessons on Zoning from Miami | Royal Flush: How Roger Thomas redesigned Vegas |

software : Tekla Offers BIMsight 1.4 for Free

last word: Congress for New Urbanism promotes New Urbanism with twelve pictures of not-New Urbanism

The blog wunderlust is a weekly round up summarizing the architectural highlights, news and web links, that don't otherwise fit the format of this blog. If you have any to share feel free to drop me an email