Monday, November 14, 2011

blog wunderlust : 14th November 2011

Wherever the city is functioning below standard, architecture takes action. It takes the place of the city's spontaneous and organic functioning; it is a prosthesis, architecture is always the place of, in the place of.
Wiel Arets

Learning from Passive House | Africa’s First Plastic Bottle House Rises in Nigeria | Zaha to build her own home in San Diego | The Cult Satirical Design Bloggers Play Guest Editors With the Nowness Archive | Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper: Transform Your Public Spaces Now | Lessons of design learned from nature | Designer Living: A place to reflect in Amsterdam | David Chipperfield to curate 2012 Venice Biennale | In Ontario, Some Like it Hot

last word: Instead of buying kitchen gadgets, why not share?

The blog wunderlust is a weekly round up summarizing the architectural highlights, news and web links, that don't otherwise fit the format of this blog. If you have any to share feel free to drop me an email